Mastering Tool for macOS® – Technical Specs
Standalone App for Audio Mastering
« Mastering Tool » is a standalone audio utility software which can boost or calibrate your sound files close to your maximal level (ex. 0 dBFS, -10 dBFS, -16 LUFS…)
Mastering Tool is an audio utility software for macOS® intended to audio content creators. It will allow you to calibrate your sounds (mix, podcast, sample,…). Most of the time during the audio or musical creation process the designer focuses on sound under specific listening conditions (professional studio speakers) with a purely artistic goal. A good mix or recording generally does not exceed a certain sound level (-6dB RMS) even sometimes less (-15dB RMS). “Mastering Tool” is an audio utility software that helps to calibrate audio files for a professional sound closer to your maximum level (eg 0 dBFS, -10 dBFS, -16 LUFS…)
Finalize your sounds with 3 real time audio modules “the Infinite Wheel”, the “Beast Equalizer” and the “Master Limiter”
Boost your sounds with 3 global real-time audio modules :
- The “Infinite Wheel” module, an endless fader, which allows you to reduce or increase the gain (level) from your original sound.
- The “Beast Equalizer” module which allows you to correct the equalization to match as close as possible to the original sound.
- The “Master Limiter” limits the sound level of your Master to not exceed your maximum goal level (eg. 0 dBFS, -10 dBFS, -14 LUFS…)
Export your Master :
- Master Exportation after rendered modules (Gain, Equalizer, Peak Limiter)
- Export all or a loop selection
- Export Formats : MPEG 4 AAC(.M4A) / LAME MP3 (.MP3) / ALAC(.M4A .CAF) / FLAC(.M4A .FLAC) / PCM(.AIFF) / PCM(.WAV)
Mastering Tool – Sound circuit diagram :
Mastering Tool is a Standalone audio utility software with 3 real time modules (Gain, Equalizer, Limiter)
The Infinite Wheel :
- Global linear gain fader from zero to infinity
Beast Equalizer :
- 66 Bands Graphic equalizer (from -96dB to +24dB per band) with average linear spectrometer relative to the 66 bands
Master Limiter :
- Peak limiter (max. 0 dBFS)
- Pre-Gain : -40 dB / +40 dB
- Attack : 1 to 30 ms
- Decay : 1 to 60 ms
Metering :
- Peak/dBFS/LUFS meter from the Original soundLUFS Momentary Loudness & Short Term Loudness
- Peak/dBFS/LUFS meter from the Master soundLUFS Momentary Loudness & Short Term Loudness
- Master sound waveform samples audio preview
- Advanced option “Loudness Infos” : display the Loudness EBU R128 informationMax Short Term Loudness, Dynamic Range PSR, True Peak Max, Loudness Range LRA, Integrated Loudness, Dynamic Range PLR
Mastering Tool Document formats :
Mastering Tool Project is a document file, it integrates all the settings of your Master. It allows you to work on your project in a non-destructive way. You can edit your settings indefinitely until you achieve the desired sound.
Mastering Tool Packed Project is the same as the standard Mastering Tool Project File, except that it embeds the original sound file inside the document
Mastering Tool Audio Formats :
- Import formats (mono/stereo) .wav .mp3 .aiff .m4a .caf .flac
- Internal audio process format : 32 bit (float)Means the internal audio treatment while monitoring the sound
- Export PCM formats (.aiff/.wav) : 8bit, 16bit, 24bit, 32bit(float*) / 22.05 kHz, 44.1 kHz, 48 kHz, 96 kHz, 192.00 kHzPCM uncompressed standard files*32 bit (int) for .aiff and 32 bit (float) only for .wav format
- Export AAC Advanced Audio Codec MPEG-4 formats (.m4a) : 64 kBps, 96 kBps, 128 kBps, 192 kBps, 256 kBps, 320 kBps / 44.1 kHz & 48 kHzCompressed Advanced Audio Codec MPEG-4 standard files. Provides compression with high quality.The 320 kBps bitrate AAC Advanced Audio Codec MPEG-4 is not supported for mono files
- Export LAME Mpeg Layer III (.mp3) : VBR/CBR 64 kBps, 96 kBps, 128 kBps, 192 kBps, 256 kBps, 320 kBps / 32.00 kHz, 44.1 kHz & 48 kHzCompressed LAME MP3 Audio Codec. Provides compression with good quality.
- Export ALAC Apple Lossless Audio Codec formats (.m4a, .caf) : from 16bit, 20bit, 24bit, 32bit source data / 22.05 kHz, 32.0 kHz, 44.1 kHz, 48 kHz, 88.2 kHz, 96 kHz, 192 kHzALAC is an high quality lossless compressed audio Apple® format.
- Export FLAC Free Lossless Audio Codec formats (.m4a, .flac) : from 16bit, 20bit, 24bit source data / 22.05 kHz, 32.0 kHz, 44.1 kHz, 48 kHz, 88.2 kHz, 96 kHz, 192 kHzFLAC is an high quality lossless compressed audio format.
Minimal system requirement :
- macOS® 10.13 or superior
- Apple® Silicon M1 or Intel® Core™ i5 or superior
- Minimum 4 Go RAM / 8 Go or more recommended
- Minimum screen size 1366 x 768
Licences :
1. Calibrate your monitoring speakers :
How to adjust the volume of your monitoring speakers :
- Start by lowering the volumes of your devices to zero (amplified speakers, amp, preamp,…)
- Then connect your Mac® to your listening system
- Launch the iTunes® application or another music playerWe gonna calibrate the speakers by listening to a piece of music or a reference audio sound…
- Set the volume of the player to maximum (⚠️ not the devices only the software audio player)
- Select an already mastered commercial title that could match the style of your project
- Start playing the commercial title, and now gradually increase the general volume of yours devices (general volume of the Mac® and volume of your speakers or amp and preamp) until you get a sound that suits you.
- Your speakers are now set for listening to your reference sound and calibrated for your environment.
- Do not touch the settings of your listening devices again during mastering. Keep your player open, you could at any time start listening to your reference sound and compare with your sound being mastered…
2. Proceed to the Audio Mastering :
Do your Mastering with Mastering Tool
- Launch the App “Mastering Tool”
- Create a new master (⌘N)
- The App will ask you to link your original audio file
- Choose your original sound
- The app. will load it and caculate the waveform image from your original file
- Start playing
- To increase or decrease the level of your sound: turn first the “Infinite Wheel” downwards or upwards to get closer to your maximum level (eg 0 dBFS, -10 dBFS, …) indicated on the right peak meter (keep listening a sound that suits you)
- You can adjust / rectify the frequencies thanks to the “Beast Equalizer”, in most cases you will have to lower certain frequencies which have taken over following the increase in gain.
- If you want to focus on a certain part of the sound : click on the “Play In selection” button then click and drag inside the waveform image to select a segment of your sound
- The “Master Limiter” is here to make sure that the level does not exceed your maximum level (eg. 0 dBFS, -10 dBFS, …) In most of cases the pre-gain, attack and decay default values should suit but can be refine if you want to push the limit
- Render the Master to preview the waveform
3. Save your project :
There is 2 ways to save your settings :
- (⇧⌘S) .mtool “Save Project As…”
- (⇧⌘P) .mtpck “Save Packed Project As…”
4. Export your Master sound file :
When you are satisfied with your Master, export your sound : Go to the “Audio Export” menu and select your desire format :
- .m4a AAC MPEG 4 (64 kBps, 96 kBps, 128 kBps, 192 kBps, 256 kBps, 320 kBps / 44.1 kHz & 48 kHz)The 320 kBps bitrate AAC Advanced Audio Codec MPEG-4 is not supported for mono files
- .mp3 LAME (VBR/CBR 64 kBps, 96 kBps, 128 kBps, 192 kBps, 256 kBps, 320 kBps / 32.00 kHz, 44.1 kHz & 48 kHz)
- .m4a ALAC (from 16bit, 20bit, 24bit, 32bit source data / 22.05 kHz, 32.0 kHz, 44.1 kHz, 48 kHz, 88.2 kHz, 96 kHz, 192 kHz)
- .m4a FLAC (from 16bit, 20bit, 24bit source data / 22.05 kHz, 32.0 kHz, 44.1 kHz, 48 kHz, 88.2 kHz, 96 kHz, 192 kHz)
- .caf ALAC (from 16bit, 20bit, 24bit, 32bit source data / 22.05 kHz, 32.0 kHz, 44.1 kHz, 48 kHz, 88.2 kHz, 96 kHz, 192 kHz)
- .flac FLAC (from 16bit, 20bit, 24bit source data / 22.05 kHz, 32.0 kHz, 44.1 kHz, 48 kHz, 88.2 kHz, 96 kHz, 192 kHz)
- .aiff PCM (8bit, 16bit, 24bit, 32bit(int) / 22.05 kHz, 32.0 kHz, 44.1 kHz, 48 kHz, 88.2 kHz, 96 kHz, 192 kHz…)
- .wav PCM (8bit, 16bit, 24bit, 32bit(float) / 22.05 kHz, 32.0 kHz, 44.1 kHz, 48 kHz, 88.2 kHz, 96 kHz, 192 kHz,…)
Is “Mastering Tool” available for iOS® ?
NO : Mastering Tool is only available for macOS® systems.
Can I do automations with “Mastering Tool” ?
NO : Mastering Tool apply gain, equalisation, limitation, globaly. Automations have to be done previously in your DAW app.
Can I Export my Master to an .mp3 file ?
YES : .mp3 file format for export is supported since the version 1.8.
Can I record sound with “Mastering Tool” ?
NO : you can’t record sound with Mastering Tool; sound files have to be imported.
Can I Masterize direct sound with “Mastering Tool” ?
NO : you can’t Masterize a direct audio source; sound files have to be imported.
Can I add Plugins ?
NO : Mastering Tool does not offer the possibility to add plugins; artistic arrangement with audio plugins should be done from a previous stages.
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* Price and availability may differ between countries, (Perpetual License) price available on the Mac App Store®